4 Ways to Use Video Production in NY to Strengthen Your Brand

Video is a powerful marketing tool available today. For one, they can help increase brand awareness, boost website traffic, and generate leads and sales. If you’re not already using video as part of your marketing strategy, now is the time to start. Here are four ways you can use video production in NY to strengthen your brand:

#1 Increase Brand Awareness With Video Advertising

Paid advertising is one of the quickest and most effective ways to increase brand awareness. And when it comes to paid advertising, there’s no better platform than YouTube—the second largest search engine in the world (second only to Google). YouTube has over 2 billion active monthly users who watch over a billion hours of videos every single day. That’s a lot of potential viewers for your business! 

You’ll need to create engaging video ads that grab attention and leave a lasting impression to take advantage of this massive audience. Luckily, many professional NY video production companies can help you create high-quality videos that get results. 

#2 Get More Website Visitors With Compelling Video Content

Another great way to use NY video production services is by creating engaging video content for your website. Did you know that including a video on your homepage can increase website conversion rates by 80%? Video is an excellent way to capture attention and hold it long enough to get your message across—something that’s becoming increasingly difficult as internet users have shorter attention spans than ever before (thanks, social media!). 

In addition to increasing conversion rates, videos on your website can also help you rank higher in search results—another huge benefit since organic traffic is one of the most important sources of website traffic for businesses today. 

#3 Generate Leads And Sales With Video Testimonials And Product Demonstrations 

Videos aren’t just great for increasing brand awareness and getting more website visitors; they’re also incredibly effective at generating leads and sales. Customer testimonials are a great way to build trust and credibility, while product demonstrations give potential customers a chance to see your products before making a purchase decision. Both types of videos can be highly effective at converting prospects into paying customers.

#4 Enhance Your Online Presence With A Video Production Company

Last but not least, working with a professional video production company can help enhance your online presence—another important element of any successful marketing strategy. A good production company will not only help you create high-quality videos, but they’ll also ensure those videos are properly optimized for SEO so they can be easily found by your target audience online. Enhancing your online presence is essential for any business that wants to succeed in today’s digital world—and there’s no better way to do it than with the help of a professional video production company. 


There are endless possibilities for how you can use NY video production services to strengthen your brand—these are just four of the most impactful ways. If you’re not already using video as part of your marketing strategy, now is the time to get started. With the help of a professional in the field like Corporate Video Production, you can create high-quality videos that will help you achieve all sorts of business goals—from increasing brand awareness and generating leads and sales to enhancing your online presence and getting more website visitors. Call them today for a free quote!

Corporate Video Production

139 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019

Phone Number: +16468464135